By Sister Stephanie Spandl, SSND
You are invited to a presentation on human rights in Honduras, as experienced by Sister Stephanie Spandl and Associate Heather Flores Thomas, on Thursday January 25, 2024 from 8-9:30 ET on Zoom.
We will share photos and experiences of our participation in a SHARE human rights delegation to Honduras in September 2023.
Since our visit, further attacks on those defending water and land from illegal mining and corporate agribusiness have continued, and the need for international awareness and advocacy are urgent.
We will also share about time spent with our SSND Sisters in El Progresso, including one who is actively involved with the delegation.
No registration is required.
You can join the presentation January 25 at 8:00 p.m. ET via the following link:,
Meeting ID: 851 7616 9245
Passcode: 138393
If you have any questions, contact Sister Stephanie at