Two Truths in One Heart - Two Peoples in One Land

If I am to share my story these weeks, I must give space to the grief in Israel and Palestine, alongside our shared realization that understanding does not mean justification for either Hamas or Israeli Zionists.  

What helps me?  

Israeli Beyt Tikkun and Palestinian Nakba ground me and many more of us around the world in an honest, compassionate community of Israelis and Palestinians.  

On Sunday, May 19th, 7:30 pm ET, Beyt Tikkun/NSP will host an intimate listening and grieving circle.  

Beyt Tikkun/Network of Spiritual Progressives Community writes in solidarity with love:

“In this forum, we will hold space to feel into and share emotions that have been coming up within us throughout this extraordinarily painful and challenging period. Our hope is that, by listening and grieving together, we can become more connected and whole and feel our way into the possibility of another world. We are hosting this event in partnership with American Friends of Combatants for Peace.”

For more information email: Barbara Paleczny SSND

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