By Anne Macneil, LEAD Department Co-Coordinator
Valentine's Day, also called the Feast of Saint Valentine, originated as a Christian feast day honoring the martyr named Saint Valentine. It's become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.
Here at SSND Waterdown, it holds another meaning as well. It's the anniversary of the opening of our beautiful building and the beginning of the Canadian Province!
Ninety-eight years ago, the first Sisters walked through our doors and ever since we have welcomed many Sisters, staff, students and friends.
Everyone agrees that although the building is big and nearly a century old, it is filled with much warmth, love, peace, and welcome!
We had no Valentine celebration of any kind this year, though.
Thanks to the uninvited Noro Virus coming through our doors, we were thrust into another time of isolation.
We watched Mass on Television, ate a simple meal, and praised God from various parts of the house in an afternoon prayer service.
We are out of isolation now, thank God, and glad to be together again.