Villa Assumpta will have a Lenten Day of Prayer on Sunday, February 25. Sister Sharon Kanis will lead this day, which will begin with 10 a.m. Mass.
Following the liturgy Sister Sharon will give a conference. She will give a second conference at 1:30, followed by quiet time for reflection.
There will be a closing prayer at 2:45 p.m. and the day will end at 3:00 p.m.
Sisters and Associates from outside Villa Assumpta are welcome to attend. Unfortunately, because of COVID restrictions, it will not be possible for anyone except the Villa Assumpta community to have dinner in the dining room.
Anyone who comes from outside the Villa may bring a lunch and eat in the Assembly Room or leave after the first session and return for the afternoon. It is necessary to wear a face mask completely covering the nose and mouth and keep six feet social distance. I
If you plan to attend, please reply to Sister Therese Dougherty at tdougherty@ndm.edu by Tuesday, February 20.