By Associate Christine Oates
On October 19, 2024, a beautiful and sunny autumn day, Associates in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, gathered for their Expression of Covenant with the SSNDs at Waterdown.
We were delighted to meet Sister Debbie Liesen, our new Associate Director, in person. She and Sister Virginia Brune had traveled by car from Maryland to join us for this special celebration.
Sister Delia Calis started the celebration with the Indigenous Land Acknowledgement, and Sister Debbie gave an interesting talk on the charism of the School Sisters of Notre Dame called “Grit, Grace and Go”.

We welcomed our new Associate, Natalie Lorimer, who made her First Covenant. She was introduced by Catherine Heffernan who companioned her on her journey to become an Associate. Sister Debbie presented Natalie with an Associate pin, a candle, and the book “Trust and Dare".
The celebration began with the entrance hymn, “Here I Am Lord”, accompanied by Associate Deirdre Pike. At the end of the Covenanting ceremony, we closed with the hymn “How Great Thou Art”. We gathered together for a group picture as well.

Before leaving the chapel, the Associates presented a special tribute to Sister Louise Vanderploeg for all her years as the SSND contact with the Associates, beginning many years ago in Western Canada.
Sister Louise was presented with a plant contained in a pot with the tree of life inscribed on it, a Spiritual bouquet replete with Masses, prayers, rosaries, and even Salve Reginas. She also received a beautiful pale blue prayer shawl. Sister Louise was very touched by these tokens of our love and gratitude to her.

We enjoyed visiting with each other and with the Sisters at the noon meal and at the afternoon social.
We even managed to walk a bit with Sister Debbie after the noon meal in the Jubilee Garden and around the beautiful grounds of Notre Dame Convent!
It was truly a memorable and meaningful day appreciated by us all.