During this recording of our What Makes Us One series: “Embracing Winter: Nature’s Pathway to Healing.” our presenter Heidi Schreiber-Pan and co-presenter, Phillip McKnight, facilitated a time of discovery of the subtle, healing gifts of winter in this immersive workshop. Watch and participate in the recording below to explore nature’s power to enhance mental health and well-being, even amidst the cold and darkness. Engage in an intimate sensory-rich journey, uncovering the unique lessons winter offers about resilience and the value of stillness and introspection.
Heidi Schreiber-Pan, Ph.D., is the clinical director at Chesapeake Mental Health, Maryland, and founder of the newly launched Center for Nature Informed Therapy and co-presenter, Phillip McKnight, is a certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher
If you have joined us in the past, you know that, in this time of alienation and fragmentation, the What Makes Us One series seeks to provide opportunities to trace the web of our connectedness to our true selves, each other, creation and God, through the prism of poetry, spirituality, science, history, and human rights. If you would like more information on our programs please email Debbie Liesen at dliesen@amssnd.org