World Wetland Day - Feb 2
Do we know what Wetlands are? Why should we care?
-by Connie Carrigan, SSND
A wetland is an area where water covers the soil, or lies at or just below the surface, for all or parts of the year, including the growing season. It is deeply intertwined within a larger system called a watershed.
About 14 percent of the land area of Canada and 12 percent of the 50 US States are covered by wetlands which continue to shrink due to industrial threats, invasive species, pollution, climate change, and dams. All is due to human tampering with nature.
Wetlands serve as natural sponges in times of torrential rains. We have experienced great flooding recently. Flooding occurs when wetlands are replaced by the construction of roads, parking places, housing, office buildings, and strip malls.
To ask God to stop flood-surges in low-lying communities that we have tampered with, is like asking God to stop the rising waters in a bathtub we are filling. It is our responsibility to turn off the faucet. God will not do that for us.
We do ask God for the wisdom to recognize we are part of creation not in control of it.