At the General Chapter of 2012, the School Sisters of Notre Dame made a commitment “to live more simply and sustainably with one another and with all of creation.”
The Atlantic-Midwest Province responded with four concrete commitments, one of them is our water commitment. The Atlantic-Midwest Province is committed to the goal of universal access to clean water.
As part of that commitment, our province engages in education and advocacy efforts regarding the spirituality and vitality of water around the world and how to protect it. We advocate changes such as the elimination of bottled water, straws, and other plastics that pollute the earth's water and the life depending upon it. We also support and learn from projects that provide life-giving access to water through our Water Initiative in Haiti.
Follow this link to learn more about Water, Global Warming, and Climate Change
More information about our commitment to water:
Laudato Si - Click here to Download Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment and human ecology
For the text of Laudato Si click here
For a summary of Laudato Si click here
Top 10 Takeaways of Laudato-Si
What you can do:
- Consider how your food impacts water use
- Assess your personal water use
- Watch "The Story of Bottled Water"
AMSSND Canada and Water
- What you need to know about fracking in Canada
- A toolkit: Fracking and Canada
- Protect Water in Canada
- Take the "Boycott Nestle Bottle Water" Pledge
AMSSND U.S. and Water

COVID-19 Ecological Alert

Water for Sale

Water and Vulnerable Communities

Spirituality of Water - Sister Mary Heather

Carbon and Coronavirus
There has been an exponential increase in CO2 emissions over the last century.

Water and the Coronavirus Pandemic

In Honor of World Oceans Day

Water Reflection Calendar

Sustainability at Notre Dame Convent in Waterdown!

Water: Global Warming and Climate Change
Although 70-75 percent of planet Earth’s surface is water, less than 2 percent is suitable for consumption. Given that 7.5 billion human beings require access to clean water every day, keeping water safe, as well as accessible, is a necessary requirement for life on our planet.
46 Water Catchment Systems installed on Lagonav, Haiti!
This is a 2018 report on 46 Water Catchment Systems installe

Emil Cerno and Danuta Jankowska: Caring for our Common Home at Villa Notre Dame

Blue Communities

World Wetland Day - Feb 2
World Wetland Day - Feb 2
Do we know what Wetlands are? Why should we care?
-by Connie Carrigan, SSND

Water Observance Days

Sisters in Africa and North America Collaborate to Bring Water to Kenya
Approximately three years ago, the Water committee of the Atlantic-Midwest Province was commissioned by the province “to provide water in an underserved area.” Over the past two years members of the Water Committee have been working with School Sisters in Africa, especially Sisters Joyce Kwamboka
Use Water Bottles
Fracking, Global Warming, Climate Change, and Water Presentation
The AM Province has been educating and raising awareness on the sacredness of water as well as use and misuse of water and human complicity in this problem.