Dear Sisters, Associates, and Colleagues,
Our Atlantic-Midwest Provincial Council will attend the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) Assembly in August in Orlando, FL. The theme this year is “Who Then Shall We Be?”
You are invited to participate in a special time of prayer during the Assembly.
Please mark your calendars for Friday, August 16, 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT
With the entire LCWR, we invite and encourage you to join the approximately 700 leaders of congregations of women religious for a one-hour live-streamed contemplative prayer experience:
“Who Then Shall We Be? A Contemplative Prayer for the World.”
CLICK HERE for live stream feed
Click Here for PDF with list of events
This experience will be a way to be in solidarity with the fragility of the world while reflecting on our call to respond as bearers of the gospel message. The prayer is based on the belief that lament and grief over the pain of the global community must take place before we can embrace new realities and receive them as gifts.
Using the arts, brief readings, and reflective questions, participants will engage in a process to lament the suffering of the world -- particularly the realities of climate change, racism, migration, and polarization and their intersection.
Participants will have time for silent reflection on the transformation asked of us – individually and collectively – as we consider the state of the world and ways our presence to it may be a source of healing and restoration that leads to a response.
We hope as many people as possible will participate, increasing the power of our collective prayer, presence, and response.
Feel free to share this invitation and join with others in your residences, places of ministry, parishes, and more to participate in the time of prayer.