Pray with Us

With hope and peace, we enter into the joy of the Lord!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame

Together we pray with and for each other, we invite you to share your prayer requests with the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Prayer requests are posted internally to our Sisters so as to protect the privacy of those requesting prayers.

Please send your prayer request to our communications team by filling out our form.

Prayer requests will remain on the Prayer Request list for approximately one month, but you can re-send them as often as you like.

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Prayer Request

Pray with Us

"I am well aware that this Message comes to you at a difficult time: the pandemic swept down on us like an unexpected and furious storm; it has been a time of trial for everyone, but especially for us elderly persons. Many of us fell ill, others died or experienced the death of spouses or loved...
World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed this Sunday, May 8, 2022. It is also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday." The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord's instruction to, "Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest" (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2).

April 22 is Earth Day.   Print this Prayer Service

 As we deepen our awareness of Earth’s fragility, and our complicity in her suffering, we are reminded of Pope Francis’ soul-searing...
