Pray With Us
As we celebrate this day commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s impact and efforts to create a more just society, the School Sisters of Notre Dame’s Atlantic-Midwest Province recommit ourselves “to be credible witnesses of universal communion through deepening our efforts to live as an...
On the World Day of Peace and the Feast of Mary, Our Mother, and Queen of Peace, on January 1, let us recommit our efforts for peace through prayer and action.
Praying the ‘Examen’ is a tradition that comes to us from St. Ignatius of Loyola. It invites reflection and a review of a time period that can be done on a daily, weekly, monthly basis, or any other meaningful interval. Often people use it in the evening to review their day. Over time, one may...
In Memoriam
Sister Lorraine "Ronnie" Burns was a Buffalonian, deeply committed to her friends, family, and SSND. After teaching in Baltimore, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, and Africa, it was in Rochester, NY that she founded the Notre Dame Learning Center. As was said by a colleague, ‘Lorraine’s service...
Elizabeth Marie Mathis was professed in 1952, given the name Donita, and began teaching primary grades. In 1975, she decided to become a nurse and served as an RN in the Chicago Area, retiring in 2015. Sister Donita is remembered as a gentle person with a beautiful smile… a calming, quiet...
Sister Val grew up on a farm one mile south of Denzil, Saskatchewan. She went on to work in religious education in Ontario, Saskatchewan and ministered to Indigenous communities in Keewatin-Le Pas, Manitoba. Later, In 2000, she served as Provincial Councilor for the Canadian Province. We...
"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”