Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

As we approach Lent, I wonder what will come. Will we be able to celebrate together? Will we face another Covid outbreak as family and friends come to visit?  
We always try to provide morning prayers for our third-floor sisters as part of a holistic approach to their care.  Recently we have been assisted by Sister Mary Jeanne Davidson, SSND, who comes to the lounge every morning to lead a handful of Sisters in prayer.
I like to bake! Whether it’s making a baked macaroni and cheese dish for my friends at Thanksgiving, or a cake to celebrate another Sister’s birthday, the process of baking fascinates me, as does the end result that emerges from simple and often unrelated items.

In Memoriam

Sister Arthur Mary’s life is a quintessential SSND story—completely devoted to elementary school teaching and administration. In 1978 she began 16 years of service as Principal at St. Philip Neri School in Rochester, and 18 years as Principal at St. Boniface, Rochester, a foundation of the...
Sister Julianna was ahead of her time. An address at the presentation of one of her many awards, given in 1997, was titled, “Education, Multiculturalism, and the Future.” At her retirement in 2008. Julianna was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the President and Board of Trustees of...
Sister Audrey McCarville
Life long educator Sister Audrey had a concern for the less fortunate and marginalized. While living in Waterloo, she volunteered at the House of Friendship and St. John’s Soup Kitchen. She always looked for ways to serve others, saying “We struggle in solidarity with those who are poor for...