Our Sisters

Sister Jane Cayer at Institute of Notre Dame

Sister Jane Cayer: Teaching the Next Generation

Each day Sister Jane Cayer walks the halls of School Sisters of Notre Dame history. She teaches English at Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore, Md.

“It’s such a traditional place and where our community started and I felt the desire to follow that,” Sister Jane said.

Sister Doris Kresslein and her family

Sister Doris Kresslein: Educating through Music

As the oldest of six children, Sister Doris Kresslein was the first to attend the Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore. However, the school and the Schools Sisters of Notre Dame were well known to her extended family.

“All of my cousins went to IND,” she said.

Province Jubilee Celebration in Wilton

Province-Wide Jubilee Celebration

On Saturday, May 6, 2017, the Atlantic-Midwest Province held its Jubilee Celebration at Villa Notre Dame. The commemoration began on Friday with a retreat day directed by Sister Patricia Flynn, who used our theme - God’s Faithfulness. Late in the afternoon, we had a vespers service with the provincial council. After our day of prayer and reflection, we were treated to a festive supper served by members of the council. We are grateful for all the thought and work that went into preparing this memorable retreat day.
Sisters do the mannequin challenge

SSNDs take on the Mannequin Challenge

The School Sisters of Notre Dame are getting in the holiday spirit with a Christmas-themed mannequin challenge.

The mannequin challenge, if you’re not familiar, is when people remain frozen in action (like mannequins) while a video is recorded.