By Sister Mary Fitzgerald, SSND
Bill McCarthy, the Executive Director of Catholic Charities Baltimore, invited the School Sisters of Notre Dame to be his guests at the 100th Anniversary celebration. Bill had reserved a table of 8 which included Sisters Kathleen Feeley, Delia Dowling, Peggy Juskelis, Miriam Jansen, Kathy Jager, Bernice Feilinger, Raymond Lorenzen, and Mary Fitzgerald. Also in attendance at other tables were: Sisters Sharon Slear, Linda Stilling, Patricia Murphy, Grace Okon, and Sister Grace Sciamanna who had served on the Centennial Committee.
At the celebration, Harold (Hal) Smith received the Msgr. Arthur F. Valenzano Joyful Servant Award for his many years of service to Catholic Charities. The Distinguished Service Award was presented to The Bunting Family and The Church of the Nativity for exemplifying or supporting compassionate caregiving and service. The Anne Lindsey Otenasek Youth Service Award was presented to Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in recognition of outstanding volunteer service with Catholic Charities. Six people received Mission in Action Awards for modeling Catholic Charities commitments in their encounters with others: David Bena, Allen Graves, Emmanuel Hamilton, Mary Ann McCloskey, Jan Pennington, and Becky Stein. Each award recipient was an outstanding model of the motto of Catholic Charities, “Cherishing the Divine within All.”
Besides enjoying a delicious dinner and the wonderful speeches, the SSNDs present were inspired by learning of the dedication, love, and outstanding lay leadership at Catholic Charities.
Pictured above, l-r: Sisters Peggy Juskelis, Miriam Jansen, Kathy Jager and Bernice Feilinger
Pictured Below, l-r: Sisters Raymond Lorenzen, Kathleen Feeley and Delia Dowling