Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions
Let Your Voice be Heard! Letters and Petitions
Published Weekly, Dare to Care represents
news and actions you can take regarding the province's five commitments!
Dare to Care - Then to Act
89. The created things of this world are not free of ownership: “For they are yours, O Lord, who love the living” (Wis 11:26). This is the basis of our conviction...
88. The bishops of Brazil have pointed out that nature as a whole not only manifests...
87. When we can see God reflected in all that exists, our hearts are moved to praise the Lord for all his creatures and to worship him in union with them. This sentiment finds magnificent expression in the hymn of Saint Francis of Assisi:
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
We work actively, especially in our local situations, to eliminate the root causes of injustice in order to realize a world of peace, justice, and love.”
- YOU ARE SENT, SSND Constitution