
For World Teachers’ Day in October, join a “Virtual Teachers’ Day Celebration” to salute all teachers, especially the faculty and teachers in training at the Solidarity Teacher Training College in Yambio, South Sudan!
"Something magical happens’: the cameras helping refugee children to heal"
Happy birthday, NDP! The first class of students began classes on this day in 1873!
The most powerful way that individuals and institutions can encourage world leaders to act for climate and ecological justice is to gather signatures for the Biodiversity and Climate petition (healthy planet, healthy people) that has been developed with input from many Catholic actors around the world.
Today, August 21, is the birthday of Mother M. Caroline Friess! We celebrate and are grateful for the amazing woman she was. Did you know there is a story regarding some of the photos we have of her?
#TheHumanRace is the global challenge for climate action in solidarity with people who need it the most, and to put the needs of climate-vulnerable people front and center at the UN climate summit (COP26).
While we await news regarding the extent of the damage and loss suffered by the Haitian people in the August 14th earthquake, we struggle with a question that comes from the depths of our hearts as well as our souls—"how much more can the Haitian people endure?”
The 2021 LCWR annual assembly opened on August 11th. "We recognized that addressing the sinful breach and heresy of racism and white supremacy is at the heart of our identity as women of the Gospel, this is a sacred task of cosmic dimensions."
Our province and our congregation celebrated the perpetual profession of Sister Joan Pikiell, which took place at our Villa Notre Dame Chapel in Wilton, CT, on August 7.
The decision to move the Sisters is not one that was made lightly. “While the prospect of a new home is exciting, it comes with a great deal of sadness about leaving what has, for 60 years, been home for our Sisters,” said Sister Charmaine Krohe, provincial leader for the Atlantic-Midwest Province.
Join the #RefugeeConvention Week of Action by calling on the U.S. and governments around the globe to reaffirm their commitment to refugee protection. We’re #ReadyToWelcome. #WelcomeWithDignity
Today, July 22, is the Feast Day of Mother Caroline Friess. This archival piece looks at the many travel difficulties she encountered as she led the expansion of the School Sisters of Notre Dame across North America.
Dr. Charlene Zeisset, a School Sister of Notre Dame and the physician who is the liaison to the project, responded matter-of-factly when asked if the sisters who donated their brains had seen anything extraordinary about their gift, saying that they were pretty humble about the project. "We are educators, in whatever we do. It was a way that the sisters could continue their ministry of education."
In his book Let Us Dream, Pope Francis tells us that "To come out of this crisis better, we have to see clearly, choose well, and act right. ... We must redesign the economy so that it can offer every person access to a dignified existence while protecting and regenerating the natural world."
The Villa Notre Dame Community invites you to join us on July 31st at the Villa to Celebrate our Journey. From its humble beginnings to its noble end, Villa Notre Dame has been our home for over 60 years.
The National Catholic Reporter Publishing Company has separated its multimillion-dollar investment portfolio from financial holdings in the fossil fuel sector.
“Why be a pilgrim still?” This question from Raphael Considine’s poem “Trasna” echoed through Thresholds, the annual meeting of associate area coordinators, held on June 14 and 15 via Zoom.
Debra Marie Sciano
On June 12, 2021, the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) Central Pacific Province (CP) celebrates its 10th anniversary. This celebration marks 10 years since the Dallas, Mankato, Milwaukee and St. Louis Provinces came together to become one. Provincial Leader, Sister Debra Sciano, remembers the long process of joining four provinces together.
care for our common home
Becoming a Laudato Si’ Congregation invites us all to embark on a seven-year journey toward Integral Ecology, a holistic perspective and strategy to promote both a flourishing earth and a flourishing human community.
On May 15, 2021, archival documents from the Institute of Notre Dame (IND) arrived safe and sound at their new home at the School Sisters of Notre Dame's North American Archives (NAA) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.