Dear Friends,
With deep gratitude, the School Sisters of Notre Dame ministering in the Diocese of Rochester invite you to join with them in celebrating the 185th Anniversary of the Foundation of their Congregation. The Most Reverend Salvatore R. Matano, Bishop of the Diocese of Rochester, will celebrate a Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart on Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. to honor this special occasion. A Reception will follow in the Narthex.
The School Sisters of Notre Dame, founded in Germany in 1833 by Caroline Gerhardinger, later known as Mother Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, came to America in 1847 to be of service to young German immigrant children and established schools and convents across America.
In 1849, the School Sisters of Notre Dame began teaching at St. Mary’s School in Buffalo, followed by All Saints in 1911, Saint Augustine in 1940, and Saint Mary’s Business School in 1918. Although Mother Theresa first visited Rochester in 1848, it wasn’t until 1854 when the School Sisters of Notre Dame came to teach at Saint Joseph’s School and later established an Orphanage and Business School at Saint Joseph’s.
In subsequent years, the Sisters opened or ministered at the following schools:
- SS Peter and Paul-1855
- Sacred Heart, Perkinsville-1856
- St. Boniface-1866
- Holy Family-1867
- Holy Redeemer-1867
- St. Michael-1874
- Holy Ghost-1918Bishop Kearney High-1962
- Saint Margaret Mary-1962
- Saint Philip Neri-1962
- Notre Dame Learning Center-2004
Today, School Sisters of Notre Dame minister at Bishop Kearney High School, Elmira Catholic Community, Notre Dame Learning Center, and St. Ann’s at Cherry Ridge.
We look forward to celebrating this occasion with you. Please click here to see the invitation. Thank you for your continued support of our ministries in serving the people of the Diocese of Rochester.
In Notre Dame,
The School Sisters of Notre Dame
Diocese of Rochester, New York
71 Parkway
Rochester, NY 14608