Notre Dame Learning Center

The Notre Dame Learning Center tutors children in Rochester, NY on an individual basis. The center was established in 2004 by our sisters.

On NDLC's 20th Anniversary

Notre Dame Learning Center was approved as a sponsored ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame and opened in March 2004, at the Charles Settlement House.  Sister Lorraine Burns, joined by Sister Mary Lou Brien, and later Sister Mary Smith, began tutoring children in reading and mathematics.  The Center grew, and by 2006, there were 55 children receiving tutoring services from 60 volunteer tutors.

A 185th Anniversary Celebration in Rochester

Today, School Sisters of Notre Dame minister at Bishop Kearney High School, Elmira Catholic Community, Notre Dame Learning Center, and St. Ann’s at Cherry Ridge invite you to join with them in celebrating the 185th Anniversary of the Foundation of their Congregation.