On Friday, March 24, 2023, during the annual Maryland Day Convocation at Loyola University of Maryland, President Terrence M. Sawyer announced that Sisters Academy of Baltimore is the recipient of the Milch Award for 2023. The Milch Award recognizes one community group, organization, or agency annually that contributed most significantly to the betterment of the intellectual, cultural, social, or commercial life of greater Baltimore over the past year. The award will be presented during the University's Commencement Exercises on May 20.
The theme of the convocation was Loyola's response to Pope Francis' letter Laudato Si. The program included a discussion by a panel of faculty and student on how each one is furthering the university's initiatives both professionally and personally.
After the discussion, Sister Delia Dowling, SSND, shared reflections on behalf of Sisters Academy of Baltimore. She spoke of the spirit of collaboration and community that have been hallmarks of the school since its founding. She concluded her remarks by sharing excerpts from an essay written by one of our 7th grade students: "For my Salvadoran household, the opportunity to go to school is a privilege and a priority...Truly I consider it a privilege to even have a seat in a school building, knowing that generations of strong individuals before me were denied this experience...I am grateful that my parents laid a strong foundation for me, for it has enabled me to exceed their wildest dreams of a better future."