Laudato Si’ Week Program, May 20
The Addressing Climate Change Committee invites you to commemorate Laudato Si' Week on Monday, May 20th at 7:00pm. The theme for the week, May 19-26, is "Seeds of Hope". We will explore the many ways we find and create hope in a 'throw away' culture, that at times feels hopeless. Prayer, reflection, small group discussion and suggested actions will be incorporated into our evening. RSVP to Sharon Wall,
Listening/Grieving for Israel and Palestine Sunday, May 19
By Barbara Paleczny, SSND
I must give space to the grief in Israel and Palestine, alongside our shared realization that understanding does not mean justification for either Hamas or Israeli Zionists. What helps me? Israeli Beyt Tikkun and Palestinian Nakba ground me and many more of us around the world in an honest, compassionate community of Israelis and Palestinians. Read More
Haiti Collaboration Committee: Sixth Graders Raise Money for Haiti
Sister Cathy Bonfield’s, SSND sixth graders at St. Martha Catholic School in Sarasota, Florida, held an auction in April to raise more than $2,000 for the people of Haiti. Read more.