Meet Our Associates!

Some SSND Associates submitted brief introductions for the January Provincial Assembly. We will share excerpts over the coming weeks!

Associates Collage

Meet Our Associates!

By Pat Stortz, St. Jacobs, Ontario

Associate Pat

I’ve been an Associate since 1990 – so that will be 35 years this coming October. I became an Associate after I had first considered becoming an SSND Sister. During my discernment, it became clear to me that I was not being called to be a Sister, but am happy to be an Associate today.

I would describe the Associate Program as intentionally “rubbing shoulders” with SSNDs. I have grown in my relationship with God, with others and with all creation. I have greatly appreciated all the opportunities that the province has provided. I am grateful!

Meet Associate Daphne E. Queen

Associate Daphne

Daphne E. Queen, Randallstown, Maryland

My interest in SSND started when I was a student attending the Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore, Maryland, while studying "peace and justice" educational subjects.

I began taking this training in pursuit of personal knowledge, and to increase my Biblical spiritual growth on "World Peace" as a missionary.  

Two Professors at the University (Sister Sharon Kanis & Sister Eileen Eppig) taught these subjects so inspirationally. I became interested in the SSND Associates Program. I read about it so I pursued this awesome endeavor!  

Another person who poured into my new beginnings as a Pre-Associate was Sister Jane Forni.

Ten years later, I can truly say I believe in the spirit and history of the congregation and its foundress, Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger. I've grown spiritually and am so grateful.

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