On Saturday, May 6, 2017, the Atlantic-Midwest Province held its Jubilee Celebration at Villa Notre Dame. The commemoration began on Friday with a retreat day directed by Sister Patricia Flynn, who used our theme - God’s Faithfulness. Late in the afternoon, we had a vespers service with the provincial council. After our day of prayer and reflection, we were treated to a festive supper served by members of the council. We are grateful for all the thought and work that went into preparing this memorable retreat day.
God had prepared us well for the celebration of the Jubilee Mass. The prelude was “Trumpet Fanfare” followed by “Jubilate Deo.” Joy tangibly burst forth as the procession entered the chapel singing “Be Exalted.” Sister Barbara Bowers called us to worship, and Sister Charmaine gave a wonderful reflection. At the end of the Liturgy of the Word, sisters renewed their vows.
As the gifts of bread and wine were carried forward in beautiful liturgical movement, everyone’s attention was focused on the altar. After communion, each jubilarian was called by name to come to the front of the chapel. After everyone was called, the round of applause was thunderous!
The blessings began with Sister Charmaine invoking the blessing of Mother Theresa Gerhardinger on the jubilarians. This was followed by the congregation singing the song “Standing Before Us.” The jubilarians then conferred the SSND Blessing on the congregation. Our liturgy ended with the joyous mandate in the song “We Are Called”.
The festive jubilee dinner was served in the beautifully decorated Paschal Hall. When the leisurely meal was over, the jubilarians returned home filled with memories, the greatest of which was love.
Thank you to all for your presence, your prayers, your cards and gifts on this blessed occasion of jubilee.
On behalf of the 2017 Jubilarians,
Sister Eileen Denny
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