2017 Jubilee
This is a time of great jubilation and joy. We have 3,830 cumulative years of service to God represented on these pages. Sisters' year of profession range from 1937 to 1967. These sisters are authentic witnesses to the certainty that a life lived in the scriptures shapes a universal heart and rallies the global soul.
It is also a time of thanksgiving - we rejoice because in the service and consecrated life of sisters, we are witness to justice, tender love and humility.

Sister Gloria Seifried, 75 years
"One of the greatest graces for me was to visit and experience our sisters in many parts of the world, as a member of the general council. I found these ecclesial women in parish and ecumenical settings, and supporting cultural creativity and diversity.

Sister Mary S. Juarez, 75 years
"My litany of experiences as a School Sister of Notre Dame can fill volumes - memories of living in Colombia, serving as director of a newly created English department at the Javeriana University and having to classify 5,000 students was a biggy.

Sister Carol Ann Graf, 60 years
"What has meant the most to me during my 60 years as a School Sister of Notre Dame, is the people in my life. My greatest grace has been the sisters I have lived and worked with, and the people I have worked with and for - and especially all of the children."

Sister Charlaine Fill, 50 years
"Without a doubt, the greatest grace I have received as a School Sister of Notre Dame is seeing the world 'from the underside.' I studied Spanish my early twenties, because at St. Alphonsus in Chicago, it was a need that was not being addresses at that time.

Sister Louise Vanderploeg, 50 years
"The greatest grace over my 50-year journey has been the openness to hear God's call in different stages of my life. I heard God's invitation to respond to various educational ministries to help foster faith formation, especially in children and adults.

Sister Anne Marie Vogel, 60 years
"God's world is filled with his grace and he is forever offering this to us. My SSND community opened my eyes to this love by helping to deepen my knowledge and spirituality. Those who shared my journey, sisters, family and friends, all touched me in unique ways.

Sister John Mary Hayes, 60 years
"I'm very grateful to God for the gift to travel the four hours to Wilton for the Jubilee celebration and the strength to see all of the sisters. I haven't been able to see for so long. Everything was wonderful. I'm grateful."
Sister John Mary Hayes

Sister Mary Ann Wood, 70 years
"I loved teaching the younger grades. I love the little first graders because they were like little flowers - and they bloomed when you taught them. My greatest grace was finding out that life is a blessing."
Sister Mary Ann Wood

Sister Gloria Seifried, 70 years
"One of the greatest graces for me was to visit and experience our sisters in many parts of the world, as a member of the general council. I found these ecclesial women in parish and ecumenical settings, and supporting cultural creativity and diversity.

Sister Mary Bruce Wright, 60 years
"When I entered SSND in 1955 my intent was to be a teacher. I was trained in the fine aspects of education - what to do in the classrtoom, the how-tos, and all the ins and outs of educating for the future.

Sister Mary Ann Wood: Teaching Women and Children

Waterdown Jubilee Celebration 2017
On Saturday, May 27 the jubilarians of Notre Dame Convent celebrated their years of service to God's people with family and friends. Mother Theresa established the tradition of celebrating the first Silver Jubilarians, as she wrote on April 17, 1864.

Baltimore Jubilee Celebration 2017
On Saturday, June 3, Villa Assumpta's twelve jubilarians celebrated their 50, 60, 70, 75, and 80 years of service to God's people with family, friends, colleagues, sisters and associates. The class members of the jubilarians from the area also joined in the celebration.

Chicago Jubilee Celebration 2017
On Sunday June 2, jubilarians from Chicago and Milwaukee came together to celebrate their jubilee. "We, the jubilarians of 2017, thank everyone who has sparked the flame of our lives throughout these 50, 60, 70 and 75 years of consecrated religious life.

Golden Jubilee Celebration 2017
“We Remember, We Celebrate, We Believe” was the theme filling the days that 24 golden jubilarians shared from June 16-18 at Notre Dame of Elm Grove.

Sister Virginia Brien: Collecting clothes for the needy
Sister Virginia Brien, SSND is a retired sister at Villa Assumpta in Baltimore. Several years ago at one of the Solidarity prayer experiences, she felt an urging to reach out and serve others who are materially poor.

Sister Irene Mary Pryle: Serving a school, supporting a community
For nearly 40 years, Sister Irene Mary Pryle has served not only the Our Lady of Hope/St. Luke school community but also the Dundalk, Maryland community.

Sister Jane Cayer: Teaching the Next Generation
Each day Sister Jane Cayer walks the halls of School Sisters of Notre Dame history. She teaches English at Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore, Md.
“It’s such a traditional place and where our community started and I felt the desire to follow that,” Sister Jane said.

Sister Doris Kresslein: Educating through Music
As the oldest of six children, Sister Doris Kresslein was the first to attend the Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore. However, the school and the Schools Sisters of Notre Dame were well known to her extended family.
“All of my cousins went to IND,” she said.

Sister Joannene Merendino: A lifelong Friend
An influential teacher at the Institute of Notre Dame set S. Joannene Merendino on her path to becoming a sister and a teacher.