By Mary Tellis-Nayak, RN, MSN, MPH
Wellness Nurse for Chicago
Chicago's Resurrection Life Center hosted an extra-special birthday party Sunday, Jan. 19, for Sister Cabrini Ganz. Now 104, she is one of the oldest Sisters in our Province!
The place was full of Sisters, friends, and family, many of whom shared stories from Sister Cabrini's life.
Four nieces shared stories of their Italian family, and what an important thing it was to have a Religious in the family.
Olive Ganz moved with her family from Northern Italy to Chicago in when she was 3 years old. Olive attended St. Margaret of Scotland grade school where she was taught by SSNDs. Her love of the SSNDs continued to grow in high school when she attended the Academy of Our Lady (Longwood). She entered the candidature at age 18 and celebrated her 80th Jubilee in 2021!
All of the Resurrection SSNDs joined the fun, along with many other Chicagoland SSNDs and Sisters from other orders.
Several Sisters shared stories of Sister Cabrini, including her time in Rome and at the Academy of Our Lady (Longwood). We also learned that she taught private art lessons "on the side"!
We honored Sister Cabrini with plenty of chocolate - her favorite food.
It was so very clear how loved and revered Sister Cabrini is by everyone!
Despite the frigid day, we Chicagoans showed our ability to create a beautifully warm environment for all. Sisters Carol Brunner, Carolyn Jost, and Joan O’Connell are shown in the pictures below, along with nieces and, of course, Sister Cabrini Ganz!
Do enjoy the pictures from this very special day in the province!