SSND Community Gathers for Covenanting

By AM-SSND Associate Kathleen Sylvester

On Saturday, September 28, Associates from the New Jersey and Connecticut area gathered at The Watermark in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to celebrate the first covenant of Carol Jakab and to renew their own covenants.
Carol has been living at The Watermark for the past two years with her husband. They have one son and two grown grandchildren. 

Carol has been involved in leading prayer groups, spiritual direction, and retreat work for the past several years.

Pictured below, l-r: Associate Anna Mastrolillo; Sister Mary Roy Weiss, SSND, Provincial Councilor; Associates Kathy Sylvester, Julia Lee, Hele Martinez, Carol Jakab, Jean Fredricks, Kay O'Gara, Marie Ciccone; Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND, Director of Associates; and Associate Anita Cadella

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