By Sister Sharon Kanis, SSND; Artwork by by Sister Frankie Dutil, CSJ

Who among us has never asked, “Where is our God?”
Was this the nagging question that impelled the Magi to travel beyond their comfort zones in search of a human king, God’s own, whose reign would, once and for all, bring peace and justice to the world?
Every January, we journey again with the Magi, hoping to find the One who will comfort, assure, redeem, and make all things new.
Meanwhile, all around us, heavenly Hosts cry, “Holy!”
Listen closely.
Ponder the earth, desolate now, and you will hear the faint whisper of the green blade breaking though the ice-crusted soil. Spirit stirs.
Ponder the loved one, the frail one, the angry one, the delighted one, the struggling one. A glimpse of Emmanuel.
Then pack your bag for the daily journey.
Gather your gold – the best of your life, every breath, every moment – tarnished, then burnished to a fine sheen, a mirror reflecting the image of God that you are.
Bring your frankincense - your desire to recognize, to touch the Face of God.
Offer your myrrh – your efforts to comfort others and receive comfort in the face of the many deaths and losses, the grief and fear.
Prepare yourself along your daily journey to receive that most glorious Epiphany: the full manifestation of Emmanuel, God-with-us.