Two Smash Teilhard de Chardin Hits!

Review by Sister Celeste Reinhart, SSND

Just as the symposium on the Trinity proved to be a defining mark for living of the 24th General Chapter Directional Statement, Teilhard de Chardin’s work is foundational for understanding the call to universal communion in our current Directional Statement. 

Any new truth about the universe or the Earth that science discovers needs to be integrated into our spirituality since that truth is bound to reveal more about who God is, who we are, and what God’s dreams are for us and all creation. 

Below are two recent opportunities for discovering Teilhard’s insights for transforming Christian spirituality. They help us see things with new eyes, creating fresh and powerful ways to inspire new motivation for hope.

The first, Teilhard: Visionary Scientist, is a PBS documentary produced by Frank and Mary Frost of The Teilhard de Chardin project and is available for viewing HERE

The second is an online conversation with Sister Kathleen Duffy, SSJ, who builds on the above documentary to explore Teilhard's life, and his theological and scientific contributions. This recording was produced by Catholic Climate Covenant and can be found HERE

Note: DVDs of the documentary are available for purchase at the MPT Store, (or call 800-873-6154) for $19.95 plus shipping and handling.

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