By Sister Regina Mulenga, FMSA
Ozanam Sisters enjoyed a wonderful Valentine party with treats, community and fun.
It began with a prayer led by Sister Cathy Feeney, SSND. The Sisters responded joyfully to the questions she posed for Jesus.
"Peter, will you be my Valentine?"
"Jesus, you know everything. You know I want to be your Valentine"! (John 21:17)
Will you let me give you my unconditional love?
Will you accept my peace for your tired and worn self?
Will you be generous enough to take my love to others when they need you?
Will you love yourself well and believe in the gifts I have given to you?
Will you be my Valentine? Will you be my friend?
It was indeed a very joyful day. Thanks to Sisters Cathy and Bern Alfieri for celebrating with us and making the day such a memorable one!

Decorated cup cakes ... delicious!