SSND Founded Schools and Co-Sponsored Ministries

Sponsored ministries are organizations in which SSND is the sole sponsoring congregation. 

Co-Sponsored Ministries are one of the ways SSND fulfils its mission and implements its educational vision.

Learn More about our Ministries

Sponsored High Schools

Co-Sponsored Middle Schools

University of Notre Dame of Maryland

The SSNDs established College of Notre Dame of Maryland in 1895 as the first Catholic college for women in the United States to award the four-year baccalaureate degree. Learn more about Notre Dame of Maryland University's undergraduate and graduate programs for women (and men) in Baltimore, MD at

Notre Dame Preparatory School

Notre Dame Preparatory School was named for the ninth consecutive year among The Baltimore Sun's Top Workplaces.
Sisters, Associates, and Province Staff enjoyed participating in NDP’s Foundation Day Liturgy and Celebration on Friday, October 18.
Eight Notre Dame Prep Students Named Commended Scholars placing among the top 50,000 of over 1.5 million students who entered the 2020 National Merit Program

Academy of the Holy Angels

Four exceptionally kind students from the Academy of the Holy Angels were recognized at the November 21 Thanksgiving Prayer Service. Camila Reynoso and Trinity Savage of Englewood Cliffs, Taylor Glynn of Hoboken, and Breanna Hetzer of Nutley received the Sister Catherine Green Kindness Award for...
Lucia McClure of Wyckoff, Amaris Hiatt of River Vale, and Anna Daniello of Upper Saddle River brought their turkeys to Keith Owens from the Community FoodBank of New Jersey.
A week prior to the holiday, the Academy of the Holy Angels donated dozens of frozen turkeys to the Community FoodBank of New Jersey in Hillside. Campus Minister Maryanne Miloscia organized this annual Turkey Drive.
“Pups4Patriots™ is important to me because it focuses on an issue that isn't as addressed or recognized by the general public,” said Angels for Veterans leader Reilly Guy. “It is an organization that finds and trains dogs to become service dogs to aid veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress...

Notre Dame of Maryland

Institute of Notre Dame Alumnae News

Founded in 1833 with the belief that education of girls is the foundation for a healthy society, the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Atlantic Midwest Province continues
to sponsor young people's education.