SSND Founded Schools and Co-Sponsored Ministries

Sponsored ministries are organizations in which SSND is the sole sponsoring congregation. 

Co-Sponsored Ministries are one of the ways SSND fulfils its mission and implements its educational vision.

Learn More about our Ministries

Sponsored High Schools

Co-Sponsored Middle Schools

University of Notre Dame of Maryland

The SSNDs established College of Notre Dame of Maryland in 1895 as the first Catholic college for women in the United States to award the four-year baccalaureate degree. Learn more about Notre Dame of Maryland University's undergraduate and graduate programs for women (and men) in Baltimore, MD at

Notre Dame Preparatory School

Academy of the Holy Angels

Stress can pull the joy out life, so students from the Academy of the Holy Angels developed a Self-Care Fair. Held on the morning of February 16, this student-led event included multiple positive strategies for coping with stress.
Academy of the Holy Angels trivia masters Jaqueline Arbogast, Ava Santoro, Maia German, and Alexis Mysliwiec brought home the top prize in the Second Annual SSND Trivia Night.
Father Paul Houlis from Our Lady Queen of Peace celebrated the Feb 1st liturgy for AHA Middle School. He commented on God calling Jeremiah, who believes he is too young for the task... “What matters most is what God thinks about us,” he said. “We’re made in God’s image…You are powerfully and...

Notre Dame of Maryland

Institute of Notre Dame Alumnae News

Founded in 1833 with the belief that education of girls is the foundation for a healthy society, the School Sisters of Notre Dame in the Atlantic Midwest Province continues
to sponsor young people's education.