In Memoriam

Help us remember our Sisters.

In death, we say our ultimate human yes to God. Trusting in God’s power to bring us to the fullness of life, we conclude our earthly life with an act of worship: in the action of death we proclaim God as God, and ourselves as God’s creatures. We are called by God and sent by the community; we go in joy!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
Sister George Marie was an excellent teacher who made events come alive for her students.  Always interested in what others were doing, she was caring and helpful, a good listener and advisor. For many years, Sister was devoted to assisting children with reading difficulties through the Baltimore Archdiocesan Remedial Reading Clinic.
Sister Bernice did not consider herself “elderly,” even though she was 101. She insisted on using the stairs from first to fourth floor rather than using the elevator. Her limited vision and difficulty hearing did not deter her from walking the halls and chatting with those she met.
Anonymous donors gifted the Academy of the Holy Angels with a million dollars to renovate the former convent in 2016, with the request that it be named the Sister Genevieve Marie Kelleher Hall in honor of her long service to the Academy. When Genevieve heard this surprising news, she said, “What a humbling honor!”