In Memoriam

Help us remember our Sisters.

In death, we say our ultimate human yes to God. Trusting in God’s power to bring us to the fullness of life, we conclude our earthly life with an act of worship: in the action of death we proclaim God as God, and ourselves as God’s creatures. We are called by God and sent by the community; we go in joy!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
Sister Mary Bann, SSND
Sister Mary was an outstanding grade school teacher, using her talents primarily with children in very poor areas in Chicago.  She also served as Postulant Director in the Chicago Province from 1993 to 1998.  Mary’s dry wit and clever greetings gave much delight to all who lived and worked with her.
Sister Carmen Marie D’Adamio, SSND
Carmen was a dedicated educator, a gifted teacher and an administrator who challenged her students to be the best.  She was very caring and an excellent role model for her students.  An outstanding communicator, she was able to provide both the teacher and administrator’s viewpoint, and her students were confident in the advice she gave.
Sister Stephania Walczak
SIster Stephania spent 50 years of her life at Bishop Kearney High School. She had many ministries there as a teacher and assistant campus minister. Of these years she wrote, “I treasure the time I spent with teachers and students.” She was also a tutor at Notre Dame Learning Center, a sponsored ministry of the Atlantic Midwest province.