
In 1978 she moved to Thunder Bay, where she took an addiction counseling course which qualified her as an addiction counselor at St. Joseph Treatment Centre in North Bay.
“As members of an international congregation, [the School Sisters of Notre Dame] recognize their obligation and opportunities to develop a world vision and a sense of global responsibility.” (YAS, C 26)   
Mother Caroline Friess
We remember gratefully her life and her life's work as she faithfully discerned God's dream for German immigrant children back in her time. We marvel at her vivaciousness and perseverance with which she established schools in North America, to meet the needs of her time and the deep love and care for the sisters that surrounded her.
The exploration of the Assembly theme, “God’s Infinite Vision: Our Journey to the Borders and Beyond,” has taken on a new urgency because of the twin pandemics of COVID-19 and the increasing reality of racism.
In 1983, Sister Clara directed occupational therapy activities at Villa Assumpta, then became director of the Hobby Room. There she engaged the Sisters in activities designed for each one according to her talents.
Iris Ann attended high school at the Institute of Notre Dame. At this time she made “the final decision” to enter the School Sisters of Notre Dame she felt that “God wished her to come to Notre Dame and live her life for Him.”
So far, more than 3,000 people have committed to the Season of Creation. Thousands of our sisters and brothers are choosing action rather than despair, hope rather than gloom. Let us spread the word and commit to the Season of Creation!
In 1864, Mother Theresa introduced the tradition of celebrating with the Jubilarians.“This year on April 17 and October 28 a number of Sisters will celebrate the 25th anniversary of their profession, and may this celebration, God willing, be repeated in the coming years for the Sisters after them."
Father August Tolton
The Venerable August Tolton died on this day in 1897. Born as a slave, he was called to be the first black priest in America. Fr. Tolton built a thriving, integrated parish and his sermons drew parishioners from other dioceses – so many, in fact, that a racist “dean” of the diocese declared that Fr. Tolton should no longer minister to white parishioners.
Nearly 89% of the Class of 2020 earned more than $28 million through 510+ merit scholarship and grants. One-hundred percent of the Class of 2020 was accepted into four-year colleges and universities.
Academy of the Holy Angels community celebrated the school’s 140th graduating class by logging in to a video presentation. AHA developed the program to permit everyone to recognize the Class of 2020 while adhering to COVID-19 safety regulations.
As we approach the annual World Day Against Trafficking in Persons it is important to reflect not only on the present reality of human trafficking in our communities, country, and the wider world, but also the longer history that has brought us to this particular moment.
10 years ago, on 2nd July 2010, the UN General Assembly voted to establish UN Women to accelerate progress in meeting the needs of women and girls worldwide. 
Corporate Responsibility
People of faith have a proud history and legacy as leaders –activating their investments and speaking out about the social impact of stocks in bringing about social change.  As investors, they have advocated to promote human rights, climate justice, racial equality and the common good.
"Imagination is a wonderful gift that, as children, we use fairly often. Then, as we grow up, many of us put that gift aside. However, today, every person around the globe is receiving an invitation from the United Nations to rectify that neglect by responding to the call of the 2020 World Refugee Day, a call which is — in part — for us to imagine the reality that is faced by every refugee" ~Sister Mary Leonora, SSND
I hope this reflection helps readers to recognize and counter the systemic injustices that marginalize people of color in the United States. As the Spirit speaks through those who are oppressed, may we have the grace to listen.”
DACA Bells
On Monday, June 22 at NOON, local time we are asked to ring bells in celebration, acknowledgment, and gratitude for the Supreme Court’s decision to allow DACA recipients to remain in the United States.
TODAY! Supreme Court voted 5-4 that President Trump’s desire to end Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals is illegal.
Communications for Women Religious have complied member congregations responses, including ours, to the tragic death of George Floyd on May 25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
voter voice image
It is vital that you reach out to your Senators now and urge them to move forward with legislation that will assist immigrants and refugees during this pandemic as our country continues to struggle against COVID-19.