By Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND
On Tuesday evening, June 11th, and Wednesday, June 12th, Associates from the Central Pacific and the Atlantic Midwest Provinces gathered via zoom to hear about The Call of the 25th General Chapter.
It was a time of God’s grace, a time of great blessing. A time filled with meeting other Associates, praying together, and sharing together on this important topic.
We began with Sister Sharon Kanis’s presentation on “Living in the Heart of the Trinity,” followed by questions for reflection and discussion.
“Who is God for you?”
“How has your image and understanding of God changed since you first learned about or experienced God?”
Sister Sharon provided us with an overview of the chapter, its membership, the preparation for it, and, finally, the priorities and emerging themes that were discussed.
Now it was our turn to reflect and share.
“Which theme(s) compel me most powerfully?
“With what do I resonate?”
The challenge of living The Call was the topic of the afternoon.
“How do you hope / intend to live this Call?”
“How do you intend to collaborate with or invite others to live this Call?”
“What actions do you commit to to deepen your relationships of communion, and to heal divisions?”
We concluded our time together with the SSND Associate Prayer, written by Carol Sheldon (, an Associate from Regina, Saskatchewan - Canada. And we went forth strengthened by our time together committing to make The Call of the 25th General Chapter a lived reality.