Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

The Incarnation reminds us that there is an abiding relationship between the Creator and creation, that God so loved the world that God sent his son to be among us that we might not perish (John 3:16).

In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis calls us to “ecological conversion.” He writes, “A healthy relationship with creation is one dimension of overall personal conversion, which entails the recognition of our errors, sins, faults and failures, and leads to heartfelt repentance and desire to...

God of our ancestors who set their hearts on you,
of those who fell asleep in peace,
and those who won the martyrs' violent crown:
we are surrounded by these witnesses as by clouds of fragrant incense.
In this age we would be counted in this communion of all saints;...

In Memoriam

Sister Lorraine wrote of herself in 6th grade “from the first day of school with the Sisters, I knew that that is what I wanted to be." Her extremely generous spirit, love for the needy and spiritually hunger and her manifold talents can be deduced easily from the breadth of her ministries. May she...
Fifty-nine years from the exact date of her first vows as an SSND in the VND chapel, and 54 since final profession, Sister Jean McLoughlin’s funeral liturgy was celebrated there by a large congregation of beloved family, devoted friends and community members, colleagues, and spiritual directees....
Sister Mary Jane was a gift to her community through her prayerful and tranquil ways. She did what she did for Jesus. A country girl at heart, she enjoyed her large family and they loved and treasured her. After her death, a nephew commented online, “You were the best!” It was a fitting tribute...