Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

Father of Jesus, You who sent your angels to herald your Son’s coming with cries of peace, Hear our cry now That your peace may touch all corners of our world.
Las Posadas Navideñas (the Christmas Inn) is a Mexican religious tradition that commemorates Mary and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and their struggle to find refuge there.
The liturgical season we call ADVENT has a way, if we allow it, of drawing us into a special dimension of time where despite the noise around us, our spirits and hearts are drawn inward. By Sister Arlene Flaherty

In Memoriam

Mary Elizabeth Burke, SSND
Sister Mary Burke was a daughter of Boston who loved everything “Boston.”  She inherited a great love of history and politics from her dad, and her reading reflected that love.  Mary enjoyed life and had a quiet sense of humor.  Her big blue eyes radiated a warm composure and her personal...
Sister Patricia Huesman
Prayer and unity with the SSND mission were key aspects of Pat’s life. The fulfillment of Mother Theresa’s desire for response to the needs of children, the poor and the elderly was lived by Pat. Looking back, one can see all the good things Pat brought to life as she lived the SSND directive: “...
Sister Dorothy Elizabeth Daiger
In her autobiography, Dorothy wrote, “I gradually realized that the best and happiest people I knew were those closest to God. I learned that the only way to accomplish any lasting good is to save one’s soul and help others to do the same.”  A fellow teacher gave a fitting tribute to Dorothy when...