In Memoriam

Help us remember our Sisters.

In death, we say our ultimate human yes to God. Trusting in God’s power to bring us to the fullness of life, we conclude our earthly life with an act of worship: in the action of death we proclaim God as God, and ourselves as God’s creatures. We are called by God and sent by the community; we go in joy!

- You Are Sent, Constitution of the School Sisters of Notre Dame
A gift to many, Sister Cor Marie was dedicated to children throughout her life, She founded a Developmental Center for academically handicapped children, worked in daycare and Head Start as well as programs for adults. Her 70th Jubilee as a SSND was celebrated on April 25, 2021 and Cor Marie renewed her vows and expressed her gratitude to God and to the SSNDs for the many blessings of her life.
Sister Elizabeth Marie Kelly
Always ready to assist those in need, Sister Elizabeth Marie spent 25 years as a hospital chaplain and director of spiritual services, and later was the Director of Associates for the AM Province. On the occasion of her 60th year of profession, Sister gave special thanks to her family and those who supported her by their love and encouragement.  
Sister Raymunda was an excellent teacher, her dramatic way of teaching had students jumping out of their seats to answer her questions. She was successful with kids of all abilities, loved and enjoyed by them. Let us imagine her passionate entry into Heaven and ask her to give us a share of her energetic charisma.