
This book tells a story of miracles—one after another. In 1970, four young SSNDs in the Wilton Province, influenced by a priest-friend from Liberia, boarded a ship to Liberia and began a movement among North American SSNDs to become missionaries to Africa.
School Sisters of Notre Dame in Canada joined the St. Michael’s Parish community for the celebration of the 11am Liturgy on September 25. This very socially aware parish made another five-year commitment to support Children’s Outreach Program in Nyalieng’a Parish in the Homa Bay Diocese of Kenya. The School Sisters of Notre Dame began the Children’s Outreach Program in Nyalieng’a Parish in the Homa Bay Diocese of Kenya in September 2009.
Sr Sally Neale
Sister Sally was an amazing woman who spent all of her life helping others. She was committed to service with skill and zeal, as she strove to be present in the hills of Kentucky.  Her strength and wisdom were an inspiration to many, especially at Sarah’s Place, where she made a such huge difference in so many lives.  Kind and loving, she truly made the world a better place.
The SSND corporate members support the decision from NDMU to become fully co-educational. By expanding its mission, the University is creating new opportunities to educate women and men together to bring their gifts to a world in need.
From the Library of Congress: Interconnecting Worlds: Weaving Community Narratives, Andean Histories & the Library’s Collections. In this guide, with resources in English, Spanish and Quechua, we seek to facilitate research about Andean peoples, cultures, and knowledge through the themes of language, storytelling and literature, visual arts, and music.
With joy and enthusiasm, we announce the appointment of Colleen Kammer as the Atlantic-Midwest Province Director of the Office of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation. Colleen comes to us with a passion for social justice and considerable experience working with religious communities in the pursuit of justice for God’s underserved people.
The AM Addressing Climate Change Committee (ACCC) invites you to a ZOOM presentation by Sister Mary Maher, SSND: Ecological Spirituality:  Reverencing God's Intimate and Saving Presence to All of Creation. This presentation will include prayer, reflection, and small and large group sharing on Sister Mary’s presentation. There will be morning and evening sessions on September, 28th 2022.
In 2021, Miriam Therese was part of the early groups to go to Ozanam Hall in Queens for full-time care. In community she was quiet and kind, gently humorous. A great reader and avid fan of Mary Higgins Clark, Miriam Therese once, through a student whose family knew the famous author, got to speak with her on the phone, a highlight for a loyal fan.
Sister Maureen Ulatowski shared with us some of the charity efforts in which she and other SSNDs have been participating lately at their new home at The Watermark in Bridgeport, CT.
Caroline Center's Marketing & Communications Manager, Jessica Robey, recently had the opportunity to share on Baltimore's FOX 45 about Caroline Center and how people can support the women in the program!
Sister Chabanel, a member of Notre Dame community, Waterdown, Ontario passed away peacefully on August 8, 2022 at the age of 96 and in the 72th year of her religious profession. She grew up on the family farm near Salt Lake, Saskatchewan. She recalls driving to school over the prairie roads, especially through the crisp, frosty air of winter, in an open sleigh.
On the last Saturday of every month, a group of Sisters from various religious communities in Chicago gather at the site of a recent homicide to pray for peace and healing. The Homicide Prayer Vigils began in 2018.
In the spirit of our SSND Laudato Si' Action Platform commitment, please join us in asking the U.S. House of Representatives and President Biden to take action to help address the climate crisis by supporting passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.  
After 30 years as an elementary school teacher, Sister Zita continued using her teaching skills with catechetical classes for children attending public school in Kitchener, Ontario and as parish coordinator of weekly religion classes in Cloverdale, British Columbia. In Wilkie and Unity, Saskatchewan, she lead Bible study groups and visited the elderly and those in nursing homes.
It has been eight years since the war in Yemen began. The current truce provides an opportunity for the warring parties to find a negotiated resolution to the conflict. As SSNDs are committed to a more just and peaceful world and take a clear stand against war and all forms of violence. Please join us in urging Congress to take action.
“Sometimes there are no adequate verbal answers to the hard life and death questions patients and families ask," said Sister Rita about her work as a hospital chaplain. "The most a chaplain can do is express the healing presence of a compassionate God who hears our cry and is present in a warm embrace, silence, and tears.”
The annual “Golfing for Good” tournament for the benefit of Notre Dame Learning Center took place at the Webster Golf Course in Rochester, NY on July 30. The weather was perfect!
On July 30, 1847, the first six School Sisters of Notre Dame stepped off a ship called The Washington and entered a new mission field. Blessed Theresa quickly learned that things in America were not what she had been led to expect.
At the end of June 2022, Ministry Services offered a new retreat, "Proclaiming The Fire Within," at the Cranaleith Spiritual Center in Philadelphia. This retreat builds on the foundational retreat "Claiming The Fire Within," which is offered every other year.
This summer, Sisters Academy of Baltimore students are participating in a range of on- and off-campus activities, from STEM to art, team building, physical education, language arts, and mathematics.