
My fellow younger, newer religious life, and they believe it will thrive as our congregational stories interweave in new ways.
African Provincial Council
We are grateful for the Spirit’s presence and the generosity of the Sisters of the Province of Africa throughout their election process. The election results are in!
Sister Rosa Maria Troches, spoke at Villa Assumpta about the extreme human rights crisis in Honduras. Since then, religious and lay women and men have taken action in a variety of ways.
The second in our Series: Our Directional Statement calls us to “discern . . . which urgent and critical global concerns we are called to address and we dare to respond boldly in unsuspected ways.” Is water one of the urgent and critical global concerns?

Four Sisters from the Daughters of our Lady of the Holy Rosary in Vietnam have come to live with the Sisters at Villa Assumpta in Baltimore.

Donor Mass
Nearly 150 people attended the Baltimore Donor Appreciation Mass and reception on March 31. Father John McCloskey celebrated the Mass and many participated in the celebration.
Sister Cora Lee Middleton, SSND, who is a registered nurse, recently retired after 35 years of service and commitment to the Tutwiler Clinic at Tallahatchie General Hospital in Charleston, Mississippi.
In Appreciation of Our Donors
Do you know that you are prayed for daily?  You are.  We feel that this is the very best way we can thank you. A favorite saying of the SSNDs is,” May God reward You!”
Elizabeth Johnson CSJ
At the heart of our lackluster response to our planet Earth’s current crisis of sustainability is what Pope Francis describes as a modern anthropocentrism.  Please watch Fordham University’s Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, deliver a lecture, “The Challenge of US” at Boston College Boisi Center for Religion and American Life.
Earth Day is coming (April 22)! Calling All Volunteers! Get ready to come out and show your support for clean communities. Earth Day Network is coordinating volunteer Clean Ups across the U.S. for Earth Day 2019. Join in right here in Baltimore!
Hilda Marie Sutherland arrived at the Institute of Notre Dame (IND) at the age of 17, after discerning a call to religious life with the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Over the next six decades, the school would be her home and her place of work.
First in a Series of Five Reflections: During the Province Four Commitments Weekend March 1-3, 2019, we focused our attention on Water, Immigration, Human Trafficking and Haiti by looking through the lens of Integral Ecology.
Sister Margaret Bauer turns 100
As we wish her a happy birthday Sister Margaret Bauer assures us, “Now, my chronological age is 100, but my real age is more like 80.”
This Nuns & Nones movement has been becoming more and more popular, so it was just a matter of time for it to happen in New York City.

CSW63 opened March 11 at UN headquarters in New York. 

On Saturday, February 23, nearly 300 guests joined Catholic Charities South Suburban Regional Advisory Board at the Idlewild Country Club in Flossmoor for dinner, live music, and an awards presentation honoring Sister Miriam Patrick Cummings, SSND of Corazón a Corazón.

About 34 participants gathered March 1-3 at Villa Notre Dame for the annual meeting of the Four Commitments.  

March 8th is International Women's Day!  The theme for 2019 is #BalanceforBetter! The campaign runs all year long. It doesn't end on International Women's Day.
Our Sisters have been a very rich part of the history of women in America.