Review by AMSSND Associate Peggy Ann Russell
Here at Waterdown, our Sisters have been graced with that ‘back to school’ feeling. In that spirit, we will be sharing reminiscences, and this week we sit down with Sister Carla Marie NAME to capture a few thoughts on this season of potential!
As we prepare to celebrate the Province Jubilee September 14, we are happy to share the wonderful celebration we held at The Watermark for our four Jubilarians. Sister Anna Mae Frenzik is celebrating her 70th Jubilee, while Sisters Carolyn Stoe, Kathy Fullerton, and Peg Regan are celebrating their 60th Jubilees.
Reminiscing on her life as an SSND, Sister Mary Peter offered wisdom for the ages: "As I look back I see how grateful I am. The one thing that I would share is that no matter what happens, God is always there. In good times and hard times, there is always something to learn!"
Just as the symposium on the Trinity proved to be a defining mark for living of the 24th General Chapter Directional Statement, Teilhard de Chardin’s work is foundational for understanding the call to universal communion in our current Directional Statement.
Teachers and staff members from the archdiocese’s elementary and secondary schools gathered before the start of the school year, which this year began Aug. 26. Whether they wore matching T-shirts or traveled together via coach buses, school buses or by car, most arrived with smiles and a sense of excitement.
Education in the spirit of Blessed Theresa, focused on human development and environmental sustainability, is critical for the transformation of our world. (Acts of the 25th General Chapter)
Nerina Murray, SSND Associate and ACC Committee member, writes, “Sunsets fill me with awe and hope for tomorrow. Sometimes sunsets make me sad because I think that I am now at the sunset of my life, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. Other times they make me joyful because a red sky usually promises the dawning of a beautiful next day.”
Sister Eileen Denny was born in Norwalk, CT, the oldest of three children. When Sister Eileen Denny was ten, she converted to Catholicism and fell in love with God.
My first ministry was in Santiago in Colegio St. George, a school run by the Congregation of the Holy Cross priests and brothers. My work involved participation in the administration and teaching in Grades 7 and 8 in 1970 and in grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 in 1971, until the school was taken over by the military government in late 1973.
You are invited to participate in a special time of prayer during the Assembly. Please mark your calendars for Friday, August 16, 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT With the entire LCWR, we invite and encourage you to join the approximately 700 leaders of congregations of women religious for a one-hour live-streamed contemplative prayer experience, “Who Then Shall We Be? A Contemplative Prayer for the World.”
Applications for the U.S. Gospel fund are open until October 1. Changes to the process and updated forms can be found here. We invite organizations who align with SSND’s mission to apply.
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution so we can have cleaner streets, water ways, and beautiful communities. The movement has inspired participants in 190 countries! Each of us making a small change will collectively make a massive difference to our communities
By Sister Debbie Liesen, SSND
On Tuesday evening, June 11th, and Wednesday, June 12th, Associates from the Central Pacific and the Atlantic Midwest Provinces gathered via zoom to hear about The Call of the 25th General Chapter.
The SSND Educational Center in Woodhaven, New York, unveiled a newly redesigned website recently. It's full of pictures and useful information!
The governments of the world are working together to increase investment in social protection systems to help prevent child labor. Despite the headway that has been made, 160 million children, or one in ten, are still trapped in child labor.
You are invited to join online or watch the recordings of a monthly series based on the book, “The Church’s Mission in a Polarized World” by Father Aaron Wessman, G.H.M.
World Ocean Day is an annual celebration on 8 June as well as a call for ocean and climate action throughout the year. This year's theme for World Oceans Day 2024 is Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate!
A paleontologist, theologian, geologist, philosopher, evolutionary theorist and mystic, Teilhard’s story and ideas on evolution and integration are revealed in a drama of personal awakening, a search for meaning, scientific adventure, unresolved conflict with authority, and human love.
The International Day for Biodiversity (IDB) is celebrated every year on 22 May. This universal observance commemorates the adoption of the text of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) on 22 May 1992 and provides a unique opportunity to foster wide support for the Convention, its Protocols and related action frameworks. Biodiversity Day 2024 campaign encourages us to "Be Part of the Plan"!
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