Caroline House
Caroline House enables women and children to reach the fullness of their potential through education in English language and life skills in Bridgeport, Connecticut

Spring Planting at Caroline House

A Success Story From Caroline House

AHA teen volunteers visit Caroline House and SSNDs

Job Opportunity: ESL Teacher at Caroline House in CT
Caroline House (www.thecarolinehouse.org), an SSND sponsored ministry in Bridgeport, CT that provides English language instructions for immigrants, is seeking an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher (part-time, hourly) beginning in the fall term.
Caroline House:Family Bonding Through Literacy
Each school day women enter our doors to learn English and life skills and share hope and opportunity with others. Moms with young children arrive pushing strollers or holding their little ones’ hands, so that their children will also be given the chance to learn and grow.
Caroline House: Path to Citizenship
Melvys came to the United States from Honduras 13 years ago. She has three children: an 11-year-old and 6-yearold twins.
Caroline House: Narcisa's Story
Narcisa is from Ecuador. She is grateful for her time studying at Caroline House, where she learned English. In addition to learning proper pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and understanding and skills building for living in contemporary U. S.