Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

The Generalate Community prays daily during Advent for a particular province, group, or global concern. Each member of the Generalate Community composes a prayer for an intention and prays it on the specified day during the Eucharistic celebration.
Foundation Day 2022
To help celebrate Foundation Day tomorrow, Ministry Services, in collaboration with Sister Harriet Schnurr, SSND, prepared this year’s prayer. May our prayer in communion with the entire congregation increase the Circulation of Love.
"I am well aware that this Message comes to you at a difficult time: the pandemic swept down on us like an unexpected and furious storm; it has been a time of trial for everyone, but especially for us elderly persons. Many of us fell ill, others died or experienced the death of spouses or loved...

In Memoriam

Dorothy Kunze, SSND
For four weeks in 1939, her mother studied sewing while Dorothy played with her cousin and toured Germany with various relatives. At the end of this time, she and her mother boarded a ship for Kobenhavn to make their way back to the US, but after a day and a half it returned to Germany, because war...
 Sister Marylita Friia, SSND
Sister Marylita combined her extensive knowledge with good humor. Her love of teaching math and science attracted students to emulate her.  She had a calm and quiet courage when the situation called for it and she stood for truth in the face of controversy. Later in her work she became a Director...
In 1987, Baltimore Provincial Patricia Flynn met with Cathy to discuss her desire to go to El Salvador. Pat quickly learned that Cathy had a sense of urgency about her call to go there, even in the midst of the ongoing civil war. She counseled Cathy not to go alone. Cathy’s strong conviction of...