Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

On March 25, the Sisters at The Watermark gathered for a Solidarity Day in honor of Ukraine. They prayed for the war-torn country during their weekly Communion Service and took up a collection for the province fund that is helping our Sisters in Europe feed, shelter, care for and teach incoming...
We have journeyed together this Lent, stopping along the way to reflect on our commitment to those who seek justice as immigrants. As we go forward into Holy Week, we recall the pilgrimage that Jesus made and his victory of life over death in the resurrection. We invite you to reflect on these...
We hold before you all who live close to war and conflict; and all who live close to the threat of war and violence.

In Memoriam

Through her many years of teaching, Sr Lori learned that those who are poor “are the rich ones, for they have hearts of gold and showed me how to love, to share, and to serve." S. Lori said "The BEST times of my life were the times I could make others happy or when others helped me to be happy."
Sister Rita’s compassion, sensitivity and thoughtfulness were her endearing qualities. She focussed her attention on others, not on herself. A former colleague recalls that when Rita was in Lima. Peru, she would leave the house in the morning, walking to her destination and spending time greeting...
For three years she was at Graymoore, New York, working in addiction rehabilitation at New Hope Manor. She continued her studies in Criminal Justice at John Jay College, New York. In 1980 she acquired a Certificate of Studies in Canadian Law from York University, Osgoode Hall Law School.