Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

When we see statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary or depictions of her in various artworks, we are accustomed to seeing her looking down at us, such a motherly gesture. Here, we see her gazing upwards. The Church affirms her exaltedness as the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 2020 is marked by a humanitarian crisis in the form of a worldwide pandemic making many more people vulnerable to human trafficking.  As both a health and economic crises, the pandemic makes already vulnerable people even more susceptible to human...
Global Sisters Report is interested in how Sisters and their congregations are memorializing those who have died from COVID-19. Please consider sending a reflection on a Sister who has died or a loved one lost.

In Memoriam

Sister C. Elizabeth Sokel
Sister Marie Edwin taught and was principal at schools in NY and Maryland. At St. Thomas Acquinas in Baltimore She took on many roles always there when comfort and support were needed. Little children loved her, attracted by her quiet demeanor.  A hidden talent was revealed in her love for Irish...
Sister Gloria held a B.S. in Ed and two M.A. degrees, in Ed Guidance and Counseling and in Speech and Communication Arts.  She was a pioneer in the closed-circuit television studio at St. Margaret of Scotland School, as early as 1963. She says of her years of teaching. “I was most grateful for the...
Sister Mary John Zielinski
In the 1960's Sister Mary John, was a licensed engineer and manager of a crew of four men, also engineers managing an 120-acre campus! She was an amazing problem solver throughout her many years of helping others. Sister Carol Bunner says “I think Mary John, in her humble manner, influenced and...