Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

The Generalate has prepared an Advent prayer calendar asking for prayers for specific intentions each day leading up to Christmas.
“May the Lord of the vineyard give growth so that what his love has called into being may bear blessed fruit in its time.” (Bl. Theresa Gerhardinger, Letter 3339, March 15, 1862)
In Mexico in 1531, Spanish forces had violently taken over the land and oppressed the indigenous people there. It is in this context that the Blessed Mother appeared and chose a poor, indigenous man to bring her message of compassion and peace to his nation and all the world.

In Memoriam

Sister Michaeline was in her 99th year and in her 80th Jubilee year! She was always cheerful and readily assisted others. Whatever she did was done to perfection. She was especially attentive to her spiritual life. The Notre Dame Academy boarders recall that as she supervised them in the evenings,...
Sr Clara Hounsell, SSND
In high school she was part of a group of students privileged to help Father Mark de Coste, CSsR, with his Apostolate to the Deaf. They were taught sign language, and on one Sunday each month stood on the steps leading to the sanctuary and signed Father’s conference and the hymns for the service.
Inspired by her childhood Sunday School teacher, Sister Mary Ellen, Georganne “felt the desire to be like her someday.” After over 50 years as a teacher, she and her dear friend Sister Catherine Goodell were awarded The Lux in Tenebris Award from St. Thomas Aquinas HS.