Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

On October 14, our province celebrates Canadian Thanksgiving Day with our sisters, associates, and staff in Canada. We give God praise and thanks for all we have received and pray in gratitude for the abundant blessings bestowed upon us, our family, friends, and congregation. 
"Hear both the cry of the Earth and the cry of the poor." - Pope Francis
O God, our words cannot express what our minds can barely comprehend and our hearts feel when we hear of children and adults deceived and transported to unknown places for purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor because of human greed.

In Memoriam

Sister Marie Dolores Schneggenburger
Marie Dolores was 18 when she entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Baltimore; she and four of her five sisters were SSNDs. Sister Marie Dolores ministered as a teacher for more than three decades in Catholic schools.
On a trip to Ethiopia in 1965, Sister Martin met Emperor Haile Selassie, and she wrote, “I was experiencing the continent [Africa] for the first time, and it really touched me… Someday SSND would be on that continent, and I wanted to be there, too.”
By February 1995, Mona began to minister in a particular way to God’s beloved at Good Counsel Homes, “a private Catholic Agency whose mission is to help homeless, pregnant women by providing a loving, family environment in a safe and secure shelter.”