Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

In Memoriam

On August 22, 1961, Sister Helen was one of four SSND Canadian pioneers to depart for La Paz, Bolivia. For the next six years, she was director of St. Andrew School. She supported the people in rural communities in their struggle for justice and improved health and living conditions.
Sister Audrey Marie entered the candidature in September 1945 and was received in 1947 into the Novitiate as Novice Anthony Marie. The following year she professed her vows. She was especially attentive to the needs of others and was concerned that each person was treated fairly. She was a person...
Sister Mary Constance was named in honor of a beloved aunt and professed her vows on July 27, 1963.  Connie was a great friend. Her demeanor was inviting. She always had time for others, as evidenced by her many good friends.