
As we celebrate the 191st anniversary of the founding of our congregation in Germany, let us give thanks for a history marked by the fruitfulness of our love for each other and the transformation of the world through our ministry.
Our Sisters shared their gratitude to God for "our blessings and the support of Leadership”, for "all the beauty at this time of year”, for "an open heart!”, for “my memories”. The wreath shown here includes many other expressions of our gratitude!
"White's chapter on love of enemies, Affection for Monsters, promotes the notion that Jesus asks us to move with affection toward those we abhor, rather than the standard response of either avoidance or attack, even verbally". ~ Deborah M. Cerullo SSND
The SSND Charlesgate Community in Towson, MD, where 19 of us form a community, celebrated Hispanic Heritage Evening, linking it with the call to universal communion and interculturality from our General Chapter Call.
Stop U.S. Arms Trafficking to Haiti, Latin America, and the Caribbean! Click to Take Action by using your VOTER VOICE! God Bless you for your advocacy!
Join Sister Barbara Paleczny, SSND and other presenters to learn about building resilience and practicing healthy self-care during this election season.
Fall in northern Illinois? It is a beautiful season of color and change. By Sister Marcianne Bzdon, SSND
The Justice for Immigrants Focus Group wants to wrap up Hispanic Heritage Month by sharing our SSND Sisters, Associates, Colleagues, and Students of Hispanic Heritage. Scroll down for videos.

By Sister Rose Federici, SSND

The Sisters at Stella Maris attended a moving and inspiring prayer service for Breast Cancer Awareness Month on Tuesday, October 8.

On Sunday, September 15, Chicago-area Sisters and Associates gathered at Marian Village for a simple but beautiful Covenanting ceremony. The community celebrated the First Covenant of Sheila Broderick, and the Recovenanting of six Chicago-area Associates.
The Sisters at Waterdown observed International Day of Older Persons (also called National Seniors Day) on October 1 with a simple but moving event that included both Sisters and Laureate College students and staff. Our focus was Care of the Earth.
The Archdiocese of Baltimore recently hosted a Professional Development Day at many locations. Sisters Irene Pryle, Kathy Jancuk, and I were assigned to the same location, so we had an opportunity to catch up.
The 2024 Foundation Day Prayer was inspired by the 2024 Assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). Have a happy and blessed Foundation Day!
On Saturday, September 28, Associates from the New Jersey and Connecticut area gathered at The Watermark in Bridgeport, Connecticut, to celebrate the first covenant of Carol Jakab and to renew their own covenants.

By Sister Theresa Lamy, SSND

On Sunday, September 15th, family, friends, former students, and colleagues from around the country gathered with the SSNDs at The Watermark to celebrate Sister Clare Fitzgerald’s 100th birthday.

It was Monday morning, and I was standing in the hallway in the Franciscan Center as I do every Monday morning, greeting (and clicking the counter) as each person in the food line reaches the doorway and picks up a tray. It was about 11 a.m.
Judy’s life in mission included formal education at schools in the Baltimore area. She taught mathematics and served in administrative roles as dean of students and vice principal. She returned to her alma mater, the Institute of Notre Dame (IND), and ministered there for twelve years as a teacher, vice-principal, and finally as principal. We continue to thank God for the gift of Judy, her service, and her loving presence.
During Pope Francis's recent trip through Asia, he visited Papua New Guinea which was planned and delayed turning the Covid-19 pandemic. Read this series of stories from that trip in the National Catholic Reporter.
Eileen was known to her large family and many friends in SSND and beyond by many names: “Rene,” Auntie, Eileen and Sister. Eileen was a lifelong learner whose interests were broad and deep. She was always ready and willing to share her learnings with others. She loved to introduce visitors, be they in Rome or Baltimore, to local historic, religious and SSND places of interest. We remember and give thanks for Eileen’s generous spirit among us.
Sisters from the Wilton Province had gathered to talk. The year was 2004. It was clear that they would be merging with Baltimore and Chicago, and while they supported it, they also wanted to carry on Wilton SSND legacy.