Spirituality and Prayer

"Prayer is true heavenly food and nourishment for the soul, which will starve without it. It is a remedy for the sick who desire to recover again, joy for the afflicted, strength for the weak, medicine for sinners, delight for the just, mutual support for the entire church.”


Pray With Us

We pray for peace, hope, and healing for all affected by COVID-19 and the economic havoc it has wrought.
Saint Oscar Romero
Saint Oscar Romero used the radio to become God’s microphone. Today we can use social media, email, letter writing and public events to bear witness to Christ’s Gospel message through legislative advocacy.
March 22: A Day of Worldwide Solidarity and Prayer
Now is the time for each one of us to respond to the worldwide coronavirus crisis by being in solidarity with others, especially with those who are most vulnerable and most at risk. It is the time to follow the directives provided by the World Health Organization and our respective governments.

In Memoriam

Sister Rosemary was a fiercely independent, no nonsense woman, Because she loved and enjoyed life, Rosemary believed that you should “get on with it” and live your life.
Serving 52 unbroken years of service in schools as teacher, principal, coordinator of pre-K/primary grades, and Assistant Superintendent of Schools in five states - Maryland, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Florida, Corinne was loved and appreciated wherever she was.
In 1978 she moved to Thunder Bay, where she took an addiction counseling course which qualified her as an addiction counselor at St. Joseph Treatment Centre in North Bay.