
In September, the Baltimore Ravens and the Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism announced that Sisters Academy of Baltimore was one of this year’s recipients of the 19th Annual Honor Rows Program presented by M&T Bank.

Sadly, yet another mass shooting in our country... we are heartbroken for everyone who has been touched by this event, and for all of us in the US as we grapple with this terrible affliction of gun violence. Take steps to demand change.
Native American Clipart supplied by First People

Sisters at Notre Dame Convent in Waterdown, Ontario joined together in a ritual of Land Acknowledgement on June 27, 2018 recognizing that the land on which they live, celebrate, and pray together is the traditional territory of the Haudensaunee and Anishenaabe First Nations of Canada.

Join us May 7, 2019, 5:30pm at the Columbus Gardens in Perry Hall, Maryland to reminisce, renew friendships with Sisters and classmates, and hear what SSND is doing today, as we celebrate our 185th year as a congregation.
Archives task force members Sister Charlaine Fill from the Atlantic-Midwest Province and Sisters Mary Ann Kuttner and Mary Kay Ash from the Central Pacific Province connected with a piece of the past on Tuesday, September 18.
Our final drawing of the Oktoberfest 2018 raffle took place today, Friday, October 26, 2018. Check out the winners! Thank you to all that bought tickets!
On Foundation Day, a member of our Vocations team looks forward, sharing her reflection on the future of the congregation.
"On this International Day of the Girl, let us recommit to supporting every girl to develop her skills, enter the workforce on equal terms and reach her full potential." — UN Secretary-General António Guterres
Our Oktoberfest team from Villa Notre Dame in Wilton, CT is working hard to ensure a smooth ticket request process. SSND Sisters Ilona and Francis Mensik (also family sisters), along with Sister Leonora Tucker and Liz Ryan are collecting, counting and processing requests to be added to the barrel.
The theme of the 2018 International Day of Peace is "The Right to Peace." As we join with the global community and School Sisters around the world to pray for peace, let us recall that each of us by baptism and vocation are called to be a channel of God’s peace.
Volunteers worldwide will come together to clean up litter from our beaches, rivers, forests, and streets as part of World Clean Up Day!

In the west wing of Villa Assumpta, in the hallway to the chapel, staff member Maureen Baer creates a monthly prayer table, a small place of beauty for meditation and renewal. September's prayer offers solace for the changes the future holds.

At the annual assembly of the LCWR, Provincial Leader Sister Charmaine Krohe presented a lunchtime session on the province's experience of entering into partnership with an NGO in Haiti.
Dear Friends of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, As you know, a new immigration policy implemented by the administration of the White House in May has led to a significant increase in migrant children being separated from their families.
Sister Eleanor Olinski celebrated her 100th birthday on May 29, at Notre Dame Convent, at an afternoon tea with 35 members of her family along with sisters from her community.
The last two Mondays in May celebrate federal public holidays in Canada and in the United States of America respectively.

ACCOMPANY IN JOY AND HOPE - By Sister Delia Calis 

“I have called you by name; you are Mine.” God continues to draw people to Godself and calls people to accompany men and women in joy, hope and discernment to know God’s deepest desire for them.  

We are so proud of Maria Guadalupe Bazon's “Spotlight on Achievement”and all our learners and tutors at Corazon where every day we see Mother Theresa’s vision of a world made better through education.
Hope in the Midst of Crisis – A Call for Solidarity in Honduras’ “Kairos Moment.” A presentation by Sr. Rosa Troches, SSND, of Honduras May 14, 7 pm. Villa Assumpta Chapel, 6401 N. Charles Street, Towson, MD 21212

A group of current and past participants in the Ministry Formation program, offered through the Department of Ministry Services, attended the 19th Annual CTAUN Conference at the UN in New York City on April 6. They included Province directors and leaders from our sponsored ministries.